Vickie's surgery
Dear Vickie, my turn to cross everything crossable (fingers, toes, eyes) for your surgery tomorrow. Will be praying for you today and days to follow, hoping all goes well and you have a comfortable recovery. Our OFF prayer circle has been busy, and our work is not done. Tomorrow is your special day, but I also pray for Annette and Nancy B...I am convinced all this prayer energy must help .
Like you said in another post, we have your back....Good Luck.
Everyday better...
BTW, I'd never heard of "swinging chickens" until I came on OFF so looked it up, it is a Jewish Orthodox tradition at a particular time of year, I forget the details as not of that faith. But hey, if it helps convey good luck I'm all for it. Don't tire yourself out today, as the surgery will.
Just as with WLS, you will be sliced and diced on the inside, so be a good patient and rest afterwards to recover energy..Let us know how you are doing when you can.
Didn't know it was a Jewish Orthodox tradition ... it was just something that Brenda Russell, who used to frequent OFF started saying as a way of including everyone who didn't want to say "I'm praying for you." Sometimes she'd say, "I'm swinging my cat, too." Kinda of a way of giving good vibes and good luck.
At my 40th high school reunion, one of my classmates got a bunch of mini rubber chickens, and we all got to swing them. It has become our mantra, to swing chickens, send vibes, pray, etc.
Hi Vickie,
I'm also keeping you in my prayers. Try to relax, and rest as much as you can. Remember, that the Lord is the Great Physician, and He has you in the palm of His hands tomorrow, and always.
Albert Schweitzer

Vickie....still keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I pray you have an uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery. I feel somewhat at ease because Butch is with you. I know you have others at the house that will be so helpful there. God Bless you Vickie!!
Much love and many prayers my friend....HUGS......connie d